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Matrimonial Property Systems in South Africa

In this Webinar, presented by Vermeulen Attorneys, we look at the characteristics of the various matrimonial property systems in South Africa.

We aim to answer some important questions, such as:

  • What is a marriage in community of property?
  • What is a marriage out of community of property?
  • How do you calculate accrual in South Africa?
  • What is a universal partnership?
  • What is a forfeiture of patrimonial benefits?

Date: 4 February 2022

Hosts: Vermeulen Attorneys

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Further Reading and Related Services

For more details on similar legal matters and our comprehensive services, explore the following pages:

  • Family Law Services – Learn more about how we can assist with family-related legal matters, including divorce, custody, and maintenance.
  • Supreme Court Appeal Judgment – Read our detailed analysis on recent Supreme Court judgments that impact family law and financial planning.
  • About Vermeulen Attorneys – Get to know more about our firm, our values, and our team of dedicated attorneys.
  • Contact Us – If you have any questions or need legal assistance, feel free to reach out to us through our contact page.

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