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Welcome to Vermeulen Attorneys

Cathleen Breedt

Cathleen Breedt

Cathleen Breedt is an attorney with right of appearance in the High Court. She specializes in the following fields: civil litigation, contractual drafting and disputes, corporate and commercial law, debt collection, debt…

Mervyn Vermeulen

Mervyn Vermeulen

Mervyn Vermeulen is a seasoned legal professional and a significant contributor to the field of family law in South Africa. His competencies extend beyond national borders as he is also an admitted Scottish Solicitor, accredited by the Law Society of Scotland.

Chanté Mouton

Chanté Mouton

Chante Mouton is a practicing attorney and a certified family mediator. She specializes in the following fields: Family Law, including Uncontested and contested divorces General and Specialist High Court Litigation…


Our team of experienced and skilled attorneys are ready to help you.

Vermeulen Attorneys are Specialists in Family Law, Divorce Law, Labour Law , Debt Management, Debt Collection and Litigation.

Our team of specialists takes pride in providing service that is competent, efficient, and transparent.

Our dedicated team of attorneys, candidate attorneys, debt collection agents and paralegals are committed to ensuring that our clients’ interests are protected.

Mervyn Vermeulen

Practice Areas

Justice Hammer
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The specialist divorce lawyers at Vermeulen Attorneys are able to assist with all aspects of divorce.  Our services include:

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Contract Law

Contract Law deals with the law of agreements between parties. A contract may be oral or written. A written contract, however, is obviously much easier to prove in court if the need arises. Read more

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Vermeulen Attorneys are able to assist with all facets of the litigation process. We operate in the following forums:

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Our debt collection agents and debt collection attorneys ensure that debts are recovered as quickly as possible:

  • Call Centre Collections;
  • Debt Collection Litigation;
  • ITC Listings;
  • Judgments
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Correspondent Services

We have the necessary infrastructure, consisting of attorneys, candidate attorneys, and paralegals, to ensure that correspondent instructions are dealt with efficiently, cost-effectively and professionally.

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Browse a variety of our legal articles and find the answer to some of your questions

Labour image

Fairness of the dismissal of a Safety, Health and Environment Manager

Introduction In the case of Sulzer Pumps (Pty) Ltd v Nomxhanya [2024] ZALCJHB 253, the Labour Court examined the procedural and substantive fairness of the dismissal of a Safety Health and Environment (SHE) Manager. The case centered around multiple lost-time injuries...
Family law roundup court B

The Family Law Round-Up June 2024 – Recent Family Law Cases You Should Know About

High Court Upholds Duty of Foster Father to Support Child Case: R.S v J.S (A25/2024) Court: Western Cape High Court, Cape Town Summary: The court ruled that a foster father must continue supporting his foster child despite incomplete adoption proceedings, emphasizing...
Lesbian pregnant couple

Can a Gamete Donor be Considered a Parent?

Introduction In the case concerning AV, NZ, and DC, the court faced the complex issue of determining parental rights and responsibilities under the Children’s Act 38 of 2005. The couple, AV and NZ, sought a legal determination regarding the status of DC, a sperm...
Hague convention child

Does the Hague Convention Apply in Cases of Disputed Habitual Residence?

In the case of Central Authority for RSA v DM [2024] ZAWCHC 170, the court examined the complex issue of habitual residence in the context of alleged child abduction under the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction.   Case Background...