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Is Removal of a Liquidator for Bias Possible After Divorce Proceedings?

Is Removal of a Liquidator for Bias Possible After Divorce Proceedings


The intriguing case of S.S.M v P.J N.O and Another (15515/2017) [2023] ZAGPPHC 2024 (18 December 2023) dealt with a request for the removal of a liquidator appointed during the division of assets following a divorce. This case sheds light on the intricate dynamics of a liquidator’s duties and authority in the partitioning of a joint estate post-divorce.

Reasons for Seeking Removal

The primary argument for the liquidator’s removal revolved around accusations of exceeding their authorized powers and displaying clear bias. This included their approach to selling the shared property, ignoring the applicant’s suggestions, and enforcing eviction and repayment demands.

Understanding the Liquidator’s Responsibilities

A liquidator in divorce cases is responsible for impartially dissolving the joint estate, which involves gathering assets and liabilities and distributing them equitably. In this particular instance, the divorce decree, incorporating a settlement agreement, granted the liquidator extensive powers to administer and distribute the joint estate.

Assessing the Applicant’s Allegations

Concerns Over the Sale of Shared Property

The applicant criticized the liquidator’s strategy in selling the shared property, as highlighted in a previous judgment. Despite this critique, the court maintained confidence in the liquidator’s abilities, opting to retain them.

Overlooking Applicant’s Contributions

The applicant accused the liquidator of neglecting their contributions in favour of the second respondent. However, the court viewed the liquidator’s actions as an honest mistake rather than bias.

Eviction and Repayment Demands

The court found the liquidator’s demands for eviction and repayment to be within the boundaries of their authority as stipulated in the settlement agreement. These actions were considered reasonable for the fair distribution of the joint estate.

Court’s Perspective on the Liquidator’s Authority

The court highlighted the importance of amending asset divisions when post-divorce losses are discovered. The liquidator’s ability to make such adjustments, though not legally binding until confirmed by the court, was seen as vital and within their designated role.

Conclusion and Verdict

The court found no substantial grounds to support the allegations against the liquidator. The actions taken were within their given authority and discretion, showing no evidence of bias or misconduct.

Final Ruling

The application for removing the liquidator was denied, with the applicant being responsible for the costs, indicating the court’s disapproval of baseless claims.

If you’re dealing with divorce complexities and need advice on liquidators or asset division, Vermeulen Attorneys can assist. Our team is well-versed in divorce law, offering clear guidance and support during these challenging times. Contact us for professional legal assistance and to safeguard your rights and interests.


  1. What was the pivotal issue in S.S.M v P.J N.O and Another?

The main issue centered on an effort to remove a liquidator assigned during the post-divorce division of a joint estate.

  1. What grounds were cited for the liquidator’s removal?
  • The applicant alleged overstepping of authority and bias by the liquidator, particularly in handling the common home’s sale, overlooking inputs, and enforcing eviction and repayment.


  1. What function does a liquidator serve in divorce cases?
  • The liquidator impartially manages and allocates the joint estate, balancing assets and liabilities between the parties.
  1. How did the court respond to the bias claim regarding the shared home’s sale?
  • The court, acknowledging prior criticism, still retained the liquidator, indicating trust in their capacity to manage the sale.
  1. Were the eviction and repayment actions by the liquidator justified?
  • Yes, the court deemed these actions to fall within the liquidator’s powers as per the settlement agreement, necessary for a fair estate division.
  1. Can a liquidator adjust asset division after a divorce?
  • Yes, the court noted that liquidators could adjust asset division if post-divorce losses emerge, pending court approval.
  1. What was the case’s outcome regarding the liquidator’s removal?
  • The court dismissed the removal application, finding insufficient evidence of bias or misconduct.
  1. Who incurred the legal proceeding costs in this case?
  • The court ordered the applicant to cover the legal costs, reflecting disapproval of the unsubstantiated allegations.
  1. What does this case imply for future divorce cases involving liquidators?
  • This case emphasizes the need for concrete evidence when alleging a liquidator’s bias or misconduct in divorce cases.
  1. Are removal proceedings against liquidators common in divorce scenarios?
  • While not overly frequent, liquidators can face removal proceedings if credible bias or misconduct claims are made, but substantial evidence is required for such actions.

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