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“The Impact of Ignoring Court Orders in Children’s Matters” – Exploring the Repercussions of Non-Compliance in Family Law

“The Impact of Ignoring Court Orders in Children’s Matters” – Exploring the Repercussions of Non-Compliance in Family Law

Discover the significant consequences of ignoring court orders in family law through the lens of the North Gauteng High Court ruling in B.M.G.S v M.B.S (26675/2022). This critical judgment underscores the importance of adhering to legal directives in matters concerning children’s well-being, highlighting the judiciary’s firm stance on ensuring compliance with court-ordered contact arrangements. Learn about the pivotal role of the Children’s Act in safeguarding children’s rights and the severe repercussions for non-compliance, including imprisonment for contempt of court.

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Does the Right to Dignity Extend to Spousal Maintenance in Divorce Proceedings? Insights from K.A.E v W.N.E (58415/2021)

Does the Right to Dignity Extend to Spousal Maintenance in Divorce Proceedings? Insights from K.A.E v W.N.E (58415/2021)

Explore the South Gauteng High Court case K.A.E v W.N.E (58415/2021) regarding interim spousal maintenance and legal cost contributions in divorce proceedings. Uncover the complexities of balancing legal duties and the right to dignity post-separation, as the court addresses the financial disparities between a biokineticist and her engineer/businessman husband. Key insights into spousal support, constitutional rights, and equality in litigation are revealed in this comprehensive analysis.

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