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Debtors book Articles

Enforcing Court Orders Against Bank Accounts

In this article, Cathleen Breedt looks at the process of executing debt collection Court Orders against a debtor’s bank account.

You’ve Given A Payment Holiday, Now What?

During the Covid-19 pandemic, many people were forced to grant their debtors, payment holidays. Times have subsequently not necessarily improved and people now need to look at recovering the debt owed to them. Some employees still have not returned to work and some...

Advice From a Debt Collector

Times are tough and we put together some advice from a debt collector.

Our economy has taken a serious knock in recent times. It was frail, to begin with, and Eskom with its constant load-shedding was not making that any easier, but along came the oil war and Coronavirus which caused the entire apple cart to tumble.


Why do policies work? Contrary to popular belief, most people thrive under rules and function at optimum when they have clearly defined duties and know the company policies. As the CEO or MD of a company you are the rule maker. You are the person responsible for...

Debt Review Upliftment

Help! I am flagged as being under debt review on the Credit Bureaus. Since promulgation of the National Credit Act. 34 of 2005 (herein after referred to as the “act”), most South Africans have heard of debt review and have a faint idea of what it entails. Some of us...

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What Is Surety?

Ever been asked to sign surety for debt? Should it be your child’s study loan, a bond, a car, on behalf of your company or any other debt. This is a big responsibility.  You agree to take over payment and be liable for debt should the ‘principal’ not be able to pay it...

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