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WEBINAR: Demystifying Pension Interests in Divorce

WEBINAR: Demystifying Pension Interests in Divorce

Divorce proceedings often involve pension interests, and understanding their implications is crucial for securing the best outcome for your clients. Led by industry experts, this webinar will provide you with comprehensive insights into the intricacies of pension...

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WEBINAR: Parental Responsibilities and Rights

WEBINAR: Parental Responsibilities and Rights

Our webinar, "Parental Responsibilities and Rights - Understanding the Essentials," is designed to provide family professionals with a deeper understanding of the fundamental principles of parental responsibilities and rights, as contained in the Children's Act, 2005....

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ThinkLegal Lunch-Time Learning: Accrual calculations

ThinkLegal Lunch-Time Learning: Accrual calculations

With the very knowledgeable Stella Coetzee, Mervyn Vermeulen takes us through the first instalment of the new Lunch-Time Learning time slot ThinkLegal now hosts. With this introductory video, we look at Accrual calculations and how you can make yours more manageable.

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What is the Purpose of the Hague Convention?

Article 1 of the Hague Convention defines its purpose and objective, namely: a) To secure the prompt return of children wrongfully removed to or retained in any Contracting State, and  b) To ensure that rights of custody and access under the law of one Contracting...
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Introduction In the case concerning AV, NZ, and DC, the court faced the complex issue of determining parental rights and responsibilities under the Children’s Act 38 of 2005. The couple, AV and NZ, sought a legal determination regarding the status of DC, a sperm...

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