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Understanding Parental Alienation

In this ThinkLegal Webinar, Mervyn Vermeulen explores the controversial topic of Parental Alienation.

We look at the following questions:

* What is Parental Alienation?
* How to identify Parental Alienation?
* What are the different types of Parental Alienation?
* What is the difference between Parental Alienation and Parental Alienation Syndrome?

WEBINAR: Parental Responsibilities and Rights

WEBINAR: Parental Responsibilities and Rights

Our webinar, "Parental Responsibilities and Rights - Understanding the Essentials," is designed to provide family professionals with a deeper understanding of the fundamental principles of parental responsibilities and rights, as contained in the Children's Act, 2005....

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ThinkLegal Lunch-Time Learning: Accrual calculations

ThinkLegal Lunch-Time Learning: Accrual calculations

With the very knowledgeable Stella Coetzee, Mervyn Vermeulen takes us through the first instalment of the new Lunch-Time Learning time slot ThinkLegal now hosts. With this introductory video, we look at Accrual calculations and how you can make yours more manageable.

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WEBINAR: International Divorce

WEBINAR: International Divorce

Mervyn Vermeulen and Chante Mouton tackle the topic of International Divorce Date: 5 November 2022 Hosts:  Mervyn Vermeulen  / Chante Mouton Vermeulen Attorneys

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